Catherine Richards is a visual artist working in old and new media art.

Her work explores the volatile sense of ourselves as we are shifting our boundaries - a process in which new information technologies play a starring role.

The Canada Council for the Arts awarded the Media Arts prize [Petro Canada 1993] to her work "Spectral Bodies" using virtual reality technology, as an "outstanding and innovative use of new technologies in media arts." She received a Canadian Centre for the Visual Arts Fellowship (1993-94) at the National Gallery of Canada who subsequently commissioned her piece "Charged Hearts." She co-directed "BIOAPPARATUS," an interdisciplinary residency on art, intimacy and new technologies at the Banff Centre for the Arts.

She considers new technologies as art material. Her work explores the spectator's role in these technologies like "jam in the electro-magnetic sandwich."

Her works have been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts; AT&T Canada; The Claudia De Hueck Fellowship in Art and Science at the National Gallery of Canada; the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, the University of Ottawa; as well as the contributions of individual scientists. Recently, Catherine Richards received the AIRes fellowship - an Artist in Residence position at the National Research Council of Canada. Currently retains Professor Emerita status with the Department of Visual Arts, at the University of Ottawa.