Current Research Creation Project


Objects, Agency and Art

SHIVERING is a multi-disciplinary investigation into the social role of objects, particularly art objects, examined through the facetted lenses of art research, digital and multimedia art practice and contemporary anthropological theory.

This web site is a on-going document following the progress of the project.

Shiverings Web Site

The principal investigator is Catherine Richards, Professor of Visual Arts and University Research Chair at the University of Ottawa.

Dr. Maria Lantin, co-investigator, is Director of Research at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

Dr. Maureen Matthews, Curator of Ethnology at the Manitoba Museum, is the project’s cultural anthropologist.

The purpose of this programme is to research, develop and complete a body of exceptionally creative work, based on a deep investigation into the border between animate and inanimate - what we consider to be life-like. Our approach is collaborative and on the leading edge of our respective fields, in the intellectual domain and creative art practice.