Artist Statement -- Images -- Articles

Spectral Bodies

Sawchuck, Kim. ‘’Charged Heart: the electronic art of Catherine Richards.’’ Horizon O. Banff New Media Institute: 2002.

Hayles, N. Katherine. “Embodied Virtuality: or How To Put Bodies Back in the Picture”. Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments. Ed. Mary Anne Moser. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1996. p. 1-28. Republished in Art and Feminism. Eds. Helena Reckitt and Peggy Phelan. London: Phaidon, 2001. 277-278.

“Virtual Bodies”. Public 11: Throughput. Toronto: Public Access, 1995. p. 34-39. “VR”. Excerpt from “Virtual Bodies”. Public 19/20: Lexicon 20th Century A.D. Toronto: Public Access, 2000. Volume 2/2, p. 101-102. Republished in Spanish. “Cuerpos virtuales” Arte Virtual. Electa. Madrid, Spain, 1994.

Space, Time, and Realities. A Space Gallery. Toronto, ON: 1997.

“It’s Déjà Vù All Over Again: Virtual Reality”. Canadatext(e). New York: Semiotext(e), 1994. p. 264-267.

Richards, Catherine and Nell Tenhaff. “The BIOAPPARATUS Residency and Virtual Seminar”, Virtual Realities : Anthology of Industry and Culture. Ed. Carl E. Loeffler. Tokyo: Gijutsu Hyoron Sha. 1993. p. 235-228. Book republished in English. Virtual Reality Casebook. Eds. Carl E. Loeffler and T. Anderson. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1994. p. 91-198.

“Virtual Reality: The Rebirth of Pure Art?” Women’s Art. vol. 41. London, UK: July/August, 1991. p. 4-6.